Chicken Salad

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Chicken Salad


Cooking Time

Preparation Time :2 Min

Cook Time : 2 Min

Total Time : 4 Min


Serves : 3
  • 1 a simple and delicious chicken salad can be as easy as taking leftover chicken and chopping it up then adding some chopped mild onions, carrot, avocado, and sunflower sprouts. Put it in a bowl and add some home made mayonnaise. Serve it on a bed of salad greens

  • Variation: mix 2 tablespoons mayonnaise with 1/4 cup plain yogurt or coconut milk, 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon honey. Add diced chicken and some goji berries, diced apple, and a diced pear, and 1 cup of pecans and toss it all together. Season to taste with


  • Combined. Serve immediately or enjoy later